Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Neuro Halo Sport - Out of the Box Experience

Experiencing the Neuro Halo Sport


What is it?

Halo Sport is a training device that accelerates gains in skill, strength, explosiveness and endurance when paired with athletic training. Halo Sport stimulates the brain's motor cortex, resulting in stronger, more optimized signals from the brain to the muscles. Similar to a pre-workout meal that primes the body for a productive training session, Halo Sport primes the brain to prepare you for your most effective workout.

How does it work?

Halo Sport works through a process called Neuropriming. Athletes wear Halo Sport before or during training, and the device's soft foam Primers deliver electrical stimulation to the brain’s motor cortex. This increases neuroplasticity, which accelerates the optimization of neuromuscular circuitry through training. Improved neuromuscular output leads to more precise, coordinated, and/or explosive movement — whichever the athlete targets during training.

Why am I talking about it?

I have been fascinated with this topic of neural plasticity for some time. There is a book that I read a couple of years ago that really shifted the way I think about learning.  The book was titled "Make It Stick, The Science of Success Learning" by Peter Brown. Part of what I took away from this book was that it takes effort to learn.  

There are many methods of learning that lead to more successful learning, but essentially it is the effort of questioning and recall without assistance that forces us to really effort to learn.  That effort actually assists in the creation neural pathways for learning to take place.  The author equates thinking through a learning objective to walking across a grass field.  If walking across the field represents the process of thinking through a subject.  The more we cross the field, the more worn a path becomes.  Such is the case with the effort of thinking and recall, it eventually blazes a worn path of neural pathways.

My curiosity compelled me to contact Halo Neuroscience and seeing if I could get an interview with their marketing team.  The team an Halo Neuroscience connected me with their Chief Marketing Offier, Mark Mastalir, In the interview Mark helped us to understand the background, science, design and application of the Halo Neuro Sport headset. Stay tuned for upcoming Blog publications in the near future on the science, design and application of the Halo Sport.  

Mark graciously provided a Halo Sport for me to evaluate and share my experience with the MHE audience.  
Before I can talk about my experience with the Halo Sport, we have to take the unit out of the box. The "out of the box" experience with technology is one of life's true joys if designed well.

Out of the Box Experience

The "out of the box" experience is something that can set a product apart and Halo Neuroscience gets
it. The first thing I noticed picking lifting the box to my dining room table was the heft of the box - I knew the contents had substance. After carefully using a pair of kitchen scissors to slice the packing tape on the outside of the 12"x 12"x 9" standard brown box, I pulled back the flaps and knew I was in for a good "out of the box" experience.  The kind of out-of-the-box experience people describe when they open an Apple product, for example.

Opening the brown flaps of the packing box, I noticed the black product box suspended with black foam pads to protect the contents. Pulling the black box out, I had a heightened expectation about the pending discovery.  There is a slick marketing cardboard wrap around the quality box containing the unit.  Removing the lid, the contents were revealed including:

Quick Dry Case
Box of Primers
Charger and USB Cable
Audio Cord
Water Spray Bottle

Simplicity is the key. The instruction manual included with the Halo Sport was about the size of a playing card, which essentially leads you to installing the App and follow instructions for setup therin. The steps to pair the headset with the app and start a neuro priming session is easier than setting up an iPhone.

The application connects to the device via Bluetooth. It was straight forward and done within the app (no need to go to your phones Settings menu). If you want to listen to music, use the included flat  cord, included and wrapped carefully with a Velcro band.

Stay tuned for more blog publications on:

  • First impressions from use
  • Rich's testing protocol
  • Progress reports