Tuesday, May 30, 2017


We all have them.  When I was in grade school, my favorite super hero was Captain America. He didn't really have a "super power", but he did have a shield and a motor cycle - pretty cool super powers to an 8 year old.

Today my hero's super power is "character"!. Meet my friend Jamie Twedt. This past weekend, Jamie shared her story about her road to the Ironman World Championship this October.  I won't do it justice to try to summarize it in the blog - you simply have to listen to Episode 75 of MHE.

Jame spoke very personally about her sister (Dawn) who recently lost her battle with ovarian cancer. Jamie and Dawn never finish a conversation about whether or not Jamie should pursue an Ironman Foundation slot to Kona.  If you've listened to the interview, you know how that conversation ended.

We were joined by pro triathlete Rachel Joyce, who is on the Board of Advisers for Women For Tri.  Rachel joined us to celebrate and support Jamie's journey to Kona and explain the mission, strategy and the growth of the organization.

SPOILER ALERT - Jamie is going to Kona!  She has partnered up with Women For Tri and is asking you to help her raise $40,000.

Health IQ has offered to help Jamie by making a donation to Jamie's charity up to $200.

Take the Triathlon Quiz! 
This Quiz was developed by over a dozen professional triathletes and coaches.  Check your knowledge with questions from Siri Lindley, Bek Keat, Terry Laughlin and more!