Sunday, February 17, 2019

#165 (2/17) USADA/USAT Compete Clean

Welcome to Episode #165 of the Mile High Endurance podcast.  Mile High Endurance is your weekly connection to coaches, experts and pro athletes to help you reach your endurance and triathlon goals.

We're your hosts coach Rich Soares, coach Khem Suthiwan and 303 Chief Bill Plock.   Thanks for joining us for another week of endurance interviews and discussion.  You have a lot of sources for triathlon training content; thank you for choosing to spend some time with us this week.  Khem and Bill, you ready put on a great show this morning?

Imagine you come home from work and grab the mail from the mailbox. You thumb through the envelopes and see a letter from US Anti-Doping Agency.  Your breathing becomes shallow.  You slide a finger under the fold and tear the letter open.  You're heart starts pounding.  You begin to read. You notice your forehead becomes cool with the bead of sweat forming on your brow.  "Dear [Bill], The United States Anti-Doping Agency collected the following Sample(s) from you (Sample Number(s): XXX on [date] at the [event].  There's a lump in your throat.  We are pleased to inform you that the reported results do not indicate the presence of any prohibited substance and/or method. We may retest or analyze any Samples for future reference."  You breathe a sigh of relief.

Here at MHE and 303 we love clean competitors and think cheaters suck!  If you agree,  you are going to love this interview.  If you cheat, you may not love it, (and you probably soiled yourself listening to that letter), but you're going to want to listen to this interview.  We have USADA Education Manager Tammy Hanson and USAT Safe Sport Sr. Coordinator Shelbi Meyer.  We know you are curious about testing in our sport. Are there dopers? Are they getting caught? What are the risks of supplements? Is my prescription drug safe? All those questions are going to be answered today.

Today's show is supported by iKOR Labs.  iKOR is a clean, natural source of recovery enhancing CBD that protects your body from the stresses of training, improves recovery from intense efforts and helps you maintain a positive mental state. The most bio-available CBD product on the market, iKOR is a protective anti-oxidant and highly effective anti-inflammatory.  WADA and USADA legal.  Used by world class professional athletes.  Save 20% by using the code "endurance" at checkout. Go to for more details.   New 'Recovery' product.

Thanks to last week's guest, USAT CEO Rocky Harris to talk to us about the Time To Tri initiative and all great stories about clubs, coaches, schools, companies and race directors making the sport of triathlon more welcoming, fun and accessible to new athletes. If you haven't heard that yet, check out last week's interview on episode - #164.

Teasers for topics:
  • Anti-doping, competing clean and being safe and training informed - Triathlon Trivia
  • Announcement on MHE kits and gear
  • News

Our interview is sponsored by Riplaces.  Riplaces are the no tie laces with custom tension for the perfect fit.  Pro triathlete proven and endorsed, most durable elastic bungee lace system available and they come in the  MHE logo package.  The regular price for the custom set is $19.98.  For a limited time, through the end of the year Riplaces is going to offer a 25% discount. Just use the code MHE25 to get that 25% discount.  Go to for more information.

Introduce Tammy Hanson and Shelbi Meyer
Tammy Hanson currently serves as the Education Manager at the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), where she oversees day-to-day operations of USADA’s education and engagement initiatives. Tammy has her  BA from the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire in Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology.

Shelbi Meyer is the USAT Safe Sport Sr. Coordinator.  She's a graduate of Tiffin University and has a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology.  She started as the Safe Sport Coordinator at USAT in June of 2018.

Welcome back.  Our post interview discussion is sponsored by Halo Neuroscience.  The Halo Sport from Halo Neuroscience will help you learn the technique and form to get faster.  20 minutes of neural priming with the Halo Headset gives you an hour of neural plasticity to work and lock in the muscle movement that leads to strength, power and endurance. 

They have the new Halo Sport 2 which is available for pre-order at 299 and ships in May.  We'll have Mark Mastalir on the show soon to talk about the new design and new price point.

Teasers for topics:
  • Compete Clean Trivia
    • We are going to go right into Triathlon Trivia and quiz y'all on USADA facts.  Before we do, I want to talk about iKOR in the context of our interview. iKOR is a CBD product and a supplement.  As we discussed in the interview, you need to be careful about supplements and be sure you know what's in them.  More to the point, you need to make sure that your supplement does not contain anything in their formula that would result in you failing a test for banned substances.  The letter that we read at the start of the show was actually addressed to iKOR pro cyclist Ryan Petry after being tested at last year's Haute Route Rockies. We are all very cautious about supplements and know you are too.  Okay, ready for the trivia?
  • MHE Gear update
    • Design draft from Pactimo
  • News

    • Anne Shawhan - CU Swim Coach; Swim Labs Coach;  Florida State University where she earned multiple All-American Honors; we are talking about how Masters classes can be used to compliment your periodized training; some myths about swim training and some proven practices to improve your triathlon swimming.
    • Alyssa Seeley, para Olympic triathlete and her incredible performance at RIO Olympic games and  Gold Coast last year
    • David Warden "3rd Anniversary Special" - Importance of performance testing as a part of a periodized plan, plus David interviews us about the show, why we do it, our relationship with each other and more.

Our show is also supported by 303 Endurance Network, which includes 303Triathlon and 303 Cycling, which covers the endurance culture, news and events on triathlon and cycling.  Be sure to subscribe to the 303Radio podcast and follow 303Triathlon's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Special interview with Newton Running founder Jerry Lee to do a "How I Built This" style interview.

Please support our affiliate brands that support the show and help you get faster! All of these discounts can be found at milehighendurance on the Discounts page.
Be sure to follow us on social media to get the show announcement each weekend, plus additional links to show content.  We forward information related to our guests and provide teasers for upcoming interviews.  We are posting regular videos to the YouTube.  Be sure to subscribe to the channel.
  • Facebook @milehighendurance
  • Twitter @milehighpodcast
  • Instagram @tripodcasterrich
  • YouTube Channel @Mile High Endurance

We hope you enjoyed today's show.  Please rate us on iTunes or your podcast player.  Be sure you are subscribed in iTunes so you get the show automatically downloaded on Saturday evening and recommend Mile High Endurance to a friend. 

Stay tuned, train informed, and enjoy the endurance journey!

  • The first year that a sanctioned was announced on the USADA site?  2002
  • How many cyclists have been sanctioned? 159
  • How many triathletes? 14
  • Swimming? 22
  • Track and Field? 171

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